Brownell Library’s Library of Things
Borrower’s Agreement & Use Policy
- Patrons must be aged 18 or over and be a patron in good standing for at least 6 months to borrow certain equipment from Brownell Library’s (“Library”) Library of Things.
- Prior to borrowing tools and equipment, all Patrons must (a) sign the Waiver & Indemnification Form; and Borrower’s Agreement & Use Policy, and (b) provide picture id and proof of address.
- By taking possession of any item, the Patron is certifying that he or she is capable of using that item in a safe and proper manner.
- Only the Patron is authorized to use Library tools and equipment, unless by the express permission of the Library.
- Patrons may borrow up to three tools or pieces of equipment at a time.
- All tools and equipment borrowed are to be returned to the Library by the close of business on their due date during the Library’s open hours, inside the Library.
- The Library may replace severely delinquent (i.e. unreturned) tools and equipment, holding the Patron responsible for the full replacement cost.
- The Patron agrees that the Library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects in quality of workmanship or materials inherent in any borrowed tools and equipment.
- The Patron agrees that if any borrowed tool or piece of equipment becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, patron must immediately discontinue use of the tool or equipment and notify the Library of the issue on return, or earlier.
- All tools and equipment are to be returned in the same (or better) condition as they were issued, barring normal wear and tear. All tools must be returned clean.
- The Patron agrees to report any damage to the Library immediately. The Patron also agrees to pay for the loss of or damage to any item and to accept the Library’s assessment of condition of items and to further agree to the Library’s assessment of fair restitution for damage, dirtiness, and/or loss of items in part or in total.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item at its discretion.
- This agreement shall be in effect for two years.
I state that I have read and fully understand the Library of Things Borrower’s Agreement and Use Policy of Brownell Library, and I understand that failure to comply with any of these rules may result in revocation of my borrowing privileges and/or legal action against me. I have read and signed a Waiver and Indemnification form, relinquishing any and all claims against Brownell Library and The Village of or City of Essex Junction.
Print Name: ________________________ Signature_______________________ Date: ____/____/____
Approved by the Brownell Library Trustees April 18th, 2022