Vermont Book Awards
Each year a group of Vermont librarians and educators nominate some of the best books published in the last few years for the Red Clover, Golden Dome, and Green Mountain Book Awards. Vermont students then have the chance to read and vote for the best book from each list. The current year's books are available for checkout.
Brownell also offers book groups for each list on the third Tuesday of each month (October-March), 1:30-2:30pm.
- Red Clover Book Group: Children from kindergarten through fourth grade are invited to participate in a book club devoted to Vermont’s picture book award, the Red Clover Book Award. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month (October-March), 1:30-2:30pm. Each year’s list is selected by Vermont librarians and educators; it includes ten books. Participants must read all ten of the titles on the list to be eligible for voting, which will occur at the last book group meeting in March. Please register to participate in the Red Clover Book Group.
- Golden Dome Book Award: Children and teens from fourth through eighth grade are invited to participate in a book club devoted to the Golden Dome Book Award. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month (October-March), 1:30-2:30pm. Each year’s list is selected by Vermont librarians and educators; it includes twenty-five books. Participants are encouraged to read five of the titles on the list to be eligible for voting, which will occur at the last meeting in March. Please register to participate in the Golden Dome Book Club.
- Green Mountain Book Award: High school students in grades 9-12 are invited to participate in Vermont’s teen readers’ choice award, the Green Mountain Book Award. This group meets on the third Tuesday of each month (October-March), 1:30-2:30pm. Each year’s list is selected by Vermont librarians, educators, and teens. Participants should commit to reading three of the titles on the list to be eligible for voting. Please register to participate in the Green Mountain Book Club.
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Contact us with questions about youth programs and services at (802) 878-6956 or