Browse Items (18 total)

Imperial Soldier.jpg
child wearing Star Wars Imperial storm trooper mask as facial covering while shopping at Hannaford grocery store

First day curbside pulling youth items.jpg
Masked and gloved Brownell library employee Erna Deutsch pulling items on hold for patrons to be checked out to them, bagged and placed in back entrance vestibule for pickup. Youth side bagging station visible in front of youth computers.

First Day Curbside Brownell Main Desk Holds.jpg
At the main desk at Brownell Library, employee Viktorija Blanchard, wearing mask and gloves, checks out books on hold for patrons to be picked up in the back entrance vestibule

First Day Curbside Brownell Main Desk Bagged Checkouts.jpg
Masked Brownell library employee Viktorija Blanchard bags checked out items at main desk to be delivered to back entrance vestibule for curbside pickup

Crouching for Snacks.jpg
Customer squatting in snack aisle of Hannaford grocery store, holding phone, rendered incognito by a hood and mask

Checkout at Grocery Store, Masks and Shields.jpg
Customers and employees of grocery store at checkout counters wearing masks and facial shields

Brownell Library pandemic workspace.jpg
Masked Brownell Library employee Viktorija Blanchard works on a laptop at a temporary makeshift workspace on the patron side of the library

Brownell Library Masked Employee Youth Side.jpg
Masked Brownell employee Tracey Durgan on the youth side checking a book out to a patron for curbside pickup
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