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EXPO testing site instructions 2.jpg
Instructions on signs for people in cars as they proceed to Champlain Valley EXPO testing site, with traffic cones delineating the path. This sign says "Have ID Ready" and is followed by one that says "Put Car Fan In Recirculation Mode" and finally…

EXPO testing site instructions 3.jpg
Instructions on signs for people in cars as they proceed to Champlain Valley EXPO testing site, with traffic cones delineating the path. This sign says "Put Car Fan In Recirculation Mode" and is followed by one that says "Keep Window Closed" in…

EXPO testing site this way.jpg
Sign at Champlain Valley EXPO indicating where the testing site is with an arrow

family of EPD Chief Rick Garey honored.jpg
The masked family of EPD Chief Rick Garey honored at his retirement ceremony for sacrifices made so that Garey could serve his community. The socially distanced ceremony took place outside the Essex Police Department on July 17.

First Day Curbside Brownell Main Desk Bagged Checkouts.jpg
Masked Brownell library employee Viktorija Blanchard bags checked out items at main desk to be delivered to back entrance vestibule for curbside pickup

Fist Day Curbside Masked Employees.jpg
Masked and gloved Brownell employees Erna, Sarah and Viki working to prepare holds for curbside pickup at Brownell Library. Erna is shown taking an order via phone, Sarah is confirming holds via the computer and Viki is dropping a book off in one of…

Forsythia in Essex.jpg
Forsythia blooming behind a rock wall in Essex

good book and toddy.jpg
pile of books and a mug with alcohol being poured into it

Guests at Chief Garey Retirement.jpg
Masked and socially distanced guests from the community attend EPD Chief Rick Garey's retirement ceremony. The ceremony took place outside the Essex Police Department on July 17.

Hannaford follow the path.jpg
Signs directing people where to go and where to stand at Hannaford supermarket in Essex Junction
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