Champlain Valley EXPO testing site, one sign with arrows pointing left says: "AMBULANCE DROP-OFF, PATIENT PICK-UP" and another sign further down the road that says: "PLEASE DRIVE SLOW 10MPH" for people getting tested. In the distance you can see a…
Instructions on signs for people in cars as they proceed to Champlain Valley EXPO testing site, with traffic cones delineating the path. The first sign in the series says: "The University of Vermont Health Network; Welcome; Thank you for helping to…
Instructions on signs for people in cars as they proceed to Champlain Valley EXPO testing site, with traffic cones delineating the path. This sign says "Have ID Ready" and is followed by one that says "Put Car Fan In Recirculation Mode" and finally…
Instructions on signs for people in cars as they proceed to Champlain Valley EXPO testing site, with traffic cones delineating the path. This sign says "Put Car Fan In Recirculation Mode" and is followed by one that says "Keep Window Closed" in…